Here is a simple and colorful 8-page guide to inspire you to incorporate sensitive eco-education, nature, simplicity, imagination, magic, beauty, inspiring rituals and this attitude of "slow down" in your daily life with children from 0 to 7 years old. The December issue deals with a creative little panoply of topics surrounding the Christmas party:
- the atmosphere
- manual work of wood sanding
- brico casserole dishes
- brico of natural garlands
- magic cookies
- reflection on elves as an archetype of the smaller than oneself and creative and alternative inspirations
december free play
- the Christmas spiral
- Scandinavian Glögg recipe
A perfect guide in printable PDF version for parents, families, grandparents, educators, kindergarten and undergraduate teachers who wish to transform their practices so that they become in harmony with the Earth and all its inhabitants.
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